Thursday, October 6, 2011

How to Easily Reset Windows 7 password ?

We all dreamed to reset Windows 7 administrator password or user account password on our own without trouble anyone else, so here I'll introduce one simple solution for your references so that you can login your password protected system again instantly in the future. Therefore, do not get worried, for there are always solutions to reset the Windows 7 password or administrator password and other user account password. Here below we will show you 3 methods on how to get the lost or forgotten Windows 7 password reset, and then you could get access to the password protected system swiftly.

You can take use of a Windows 7 setup disc to reset the lost or forgot password as well. Following is the detailed steps:

Step 1: Insert theWindows 7 Setup CD into the computer's optical drive, boot up your computer from it.

Step 2: Press R to run the repair when it asks to repair the existing Windows installation by copying files to the hard drive.

Step 3: The computer reboot now, do not press any keys when the screen reads Press any key to continue.

Step 4: While the computer restarting the installation process, press Shift +F10 key together when you see Installing Devices at the bottom of the screen.

Step 5: When it opens a Command Prompt window, type nusrmgr.cpl and press Enter key.
Step 6: Click Administrator and change the password in the User Accounts window, and then you can login to your Windows 7 system freely.

Well, this solution just takes you minutes to finish the whole recovery process.
Besides,Using an available Administrator account will also be helpful for Windows 7 password recovery.You can try to reset the lost password by following the steps below to re-log into your system.
Step 1: Log on Windows 7 system with the admin account.
Step2: Click Start to come to the Control Panel, select Add or remove user accounts.
Step 3: Choose the locked administrator account.
Step 4: Click Change the password or Remove the password to change or remove the password.

Well, this method will get the locked administrator account lose all EFS-encrypted files, personal certificates, and stored passwords for Web sites or network resources after the password recovery.
Why not take a try of this solution next time, so that you could figure out how to reset Windows 7 password swiftly then to re-log on to the locked system in no time without any problem.

READ MORE - How to Easily Reset Windows 7 password ?

Make to Build your own computer

For those who are interested in electronics and computers or for those who are looking for a cheap PC then building a cheap desktop computer may be the answer for you. Building a cheap desktop computer gives you the advantage of installing all the components so you know exactly what the system specs will be. You will find that buying parts separate and building a cheap desktop computer you will save a great deal of money compared to the normal cost of already built computers. 

It's recommended that you first have the knowledge on building a cheap desktop computer. If not, study what you need and how to put it all together. Building a cheap desktop computer isn't rocket science, it just takes a bit of time and effort but all in all it's a great money saver, educates you on the workings on a desktop computer and you will know the exact system specs seen as you built it.

Building a cheap desktop computer requires the components and tools. You will need RAM, CPU, a hard drive, an optical drive (CD/DVD drive), a motherboard, a tower, a monitor, mouse and keyboard. You can also add in extras when building a cheap desktop computer if you wish such as graphics cards, sounds cards and even more RAM if you are looking for a fast computer. You will also need to know which type of RAM your motherboard can hold, SDRAM or DRAM for example are just a couple of available RAM types you may see when looking for parts for building a cheap desktop computer. Building a cheap desktop computer will also require small tools such as a screwdriver so you can screw in certain components.

If you are planning on building a cheap desktop computer then you can buy the parts from PC repair stores, PC hardware stores, computer fares and online through marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon. If you aren't too confident on building a cheap desktop computer then search building a cheap desktop computer for more visual instructions on what you need to do to for building a cheap desktop computer.

When building a cheap desktop computer you also need to remember that you will need an operating system such as Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows 7 and you must also know how to install operating systems. If you have knowledge on building a cheap desktop computer then installing operating systems shouldn't be much trouble for you. Operating systems can be rather expensive so it's best that you have one ready when building a cheap desktop computer.
READ MORE - Make to Build your own computer

Design and Stylish Focussed Desktop PCs Becoming More Popular

It is true that in the past, as late as the early 2000's, computers were ugly.  Computers used to be a horrible beige or grey colour that made sure that most PC owners hid their computers away in cupboards or under desks.  Computers back then were desired purely for their functional and practical uses, with the desire for something that was aesthetically pleasing like other household electronics well and truly taking a back seat.

The introduction of Apple Mac's desirable computers, both laptops and desktop machines, meant that many PC manufacturers had to start considering how their machines looked as well as how much they could achieve task-wise.  Suddenly computers were looking different; they were now coming in more attractive colours including piano black, white and some manufacturers even toyed with striking colours such as red or blue as well.  A lot of these design flourishes took inspiration from the culture of hardcore PC owners who customised their own computers with new and interesting colours, Perspex windows exposing the computer's innards and even ultra-violet lighting inside the case.
This trend seems to have passed slightly, with most desktop PCs now looking much sleeker and high-end, no matter how powerful the components are inside.  Most desktop PCs are now much smaller and flexible when it comes to storage or placement in the home, many desktop PCs can fit on a desk and not take up all of the space.  Another subsection of PC users now uses their PCs in conjunction with their home TV sets as well.  

Home Theatre PCs are an extension of one of the most popular uses for desktop PCs and that is watching movies and listening to music.  With smaller form factor PCs now sat underneath the TV along with the DVD player and satellite or cable box you can easily watch movies stored on your computer, listen to music, view photos or check emails all from the couch.

Desktop PCs are now much more attractive and are appliances that owners are not scared to show off or display in their home.  With a number of brands focussing more on how their computers look it means that as customers we are now able to get the best of both worlds.
Desktop PCs are now much more attractive and still have the performance where it counts as well. Whether you are buying a desktop or a cheap laptop, make sure to go online for expert reviews and recommendations along with the best prices.
READ MORE - Design and Stylish Focussed Desktop PCs Becoming More Popular

About Computer Desktop vs Laptops

In general, you should only consider buying a laptop computer if portability is your main concern, because this is really the only advantage it has over a desktop PC. In addition, this is usually an issue for those who need to use a computer when they travel or attend a meeting, or for a student who wants to take it to the classroom or library.

What you should know about laptops

They are far from weightless, and they are not always easy to carry around, especially when extra storage drivers and other peripherals are added. Also, in general, a laptop outfitted with the same features as a PC, such as Random Access Memory (RAM) costs twice as much, and the Pentium IV model is a prime example. In other words, cheap laptops seem to be an unknown quantity.

Why laptops have limitations

A laptop's components are stored in a small space, and in that situation, it may be impossible to replace the hard drive, which is usually done in a PC by using DIMM chips. Instead, you may have to pay a significant amount for the RAM you need and have it custom-made for your computer. In general, if you want a system you can expand over time according to your needs, a desktop model is really your only option.

Note also that while today's games will be accessible with a laptop, those developed in the future will require more power. A desktop PC can be upgraded with little difficulty, but a laptop video card cannot be replaced. Consequently, when you play a game on a laptop, the control, sound and video all have room for improvement.

Why laptops are harder to use.

Since the keyboard on a laptop computer is surprisingly small, be sure to test it before you decide to buy one. Using the wrong keyboard can undermine your touch-typing skill, so be certain that the keyboard is a model you can use comfortably. Also, laptops have 12-15 inch screens that cannot compete with the rapid refresh rates and vibrant color of today's much larger monitors for desktop PCs, As a result, the images aren't as clear on these LCDs, and with prolonged use, your eyes may even become irritated.

PC advances

By way of contrast, Packard Bell Media points out that 1MB once provided sufficient computer storage, but times have changed. It recently informed its customers that Dell is going to ship a computer that provides 1 Terabyte for storage. This PC is intended for consumers who want to store considerable amounts of photos and more than 1,250 hours of video.
READ MORE - About Computer Desktop vs Laptops

Lets Know to Your Computer Hardware

There is a personal computer in almost every home and office and yet there are still people confused about computer hardware. You can define a personal computer as a system that was built for one person to use but there come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The tower size was the most common when they first became popular, but today people are more prone to purchase a midi or mini tower to save on space. The difference in size mainly dictates the amount of bays that are available for drives and the type of motherboard that will fit into the case.

The computer contains multiple components that are placed inside to create the unit. You can have all the hardware in place, all in working order but without software, mainly an operating system you are left with a dumb computer. The operating system will manage the hardware inside the computer and determine how it is utilized and also allows the user to control the way the system operates. You may have heard the term firmware and it has been associated with computer hardware, it is not considered hardware, just a program that is embedded into the hardware itself. The firmware in the hardware can be updated to help your hardware work properly with different operating systems and other software on your computer.

The hardware is considered all parts that are inside or connected to the outside of the computer. The computer case, mouse, keyboard, monitor and speakers are considered hardware. Inside the computer you have parts such as the motherboard, CPU, memory, hard drive, ROM drives, video card, sound card, Ethernet card and power supply. The computer hardware in each system may vary by type, brand or even size but the main components are always the same in order for the system to work. If you go to purchase a bare bone system it will come complete with case, power supply, mother board and CPU, memory, video, sound and sometimes hard drive. This is the basic components to get the tower to operate; you can then add ROM drives, speakers, keyboard, and mouse and monitor to have a working dumb computer. In order to have a computer that is completely operational you have to install an operating system and the necessary drivers for the hardware to work.

Each piece of hardware in your computer is different; some will require drivers while others will not. The memory for instance requires no drivers and is simply plug_and_play and most ROM drives and hard drives act the same way. But, other hardware inside your system such as your Ethernet card, video card or sound card will require drivers to be loaded once the operating system is installed to operate correctly. Many times the operating system you use will pick up the computer hardware drivers without having you install them manually. Once you boot your system up for the first time your operating system will detect the new hardware and begin searching for the necessary drivers.
READ MORE - Lets Know to Your Computer Hardware

Buy High Class Cheap Desktop Pcs

Nowadays most of the people are under the impression that Cheap desktop PCs have become out of date and laptop is being used.  But the fact is that there are still lots of uses for the PCs that you might not be aware of. Some time laptops might look smooth, attractive and on the other hand PC is a much better selection depending on what you are aiming to do on a daily basis. Now have a look on some great advantages that cheap desktop PCs hold.

There are some main characteristics you want to see in cheap desktop PCs first of all storage then speed and reliability. Your desktop PCs should have a huge data storage capacity, and the chip running the computer should be the best that can do millions and billions of calculations per second and give you the best outcome. All your pc components should come with an assurance that you will never have to use.

When you go for buying cheap desktop PCs you need not avoid the brand names. The popular names such as HP, IBM and Dell manufacture a lot of desktops that they are in a situation to sell convinced types of machines, especially package systems, inexpensively. 
They sometimes offer modified PCs which can be made precisely to your necessities and they also sell precise products aimed at the low-end PC market. If you have enough knowledge of IT and Desktop PCS in particular you could always think about building the cheap desktop PCs yourself. The parts, purchased separately are always cheaper than buying packaged system.

Depending on what purposes you require your PC for. If you are doing music production, graphic design or video production, and need your computer to run applications that necessitate a good sum of processing power and cannot afford a powerful adequate computer, you are better off waiting or looking for a slightly used PCs. Spending too little can stop you from getting your work done. 
If you want to do simple things on your computer, like word processing, surf the Web, chatting, download music, and then you can perhaps get away with buying one of the Cheap Desktop PCs. These activities require very little from the computer's processor, so do not be scared to go cheap.  

You can also get yourself cheap desktop PCs kit. These computer kits are partly built, and let beginner computer builders finish building them with cheaper parts. A basic PC might include just the cabinet, power supply, internal speaker, CPU and floppy drive, motherboard. The CPU chip could be not obligatory and basic cheap desktop PCs planned for resale usually includes a hard disk, low end display adapter and sound card, CD-ROM drive, mouse and speaker and keyboard. A hard drive is as well a significant component of your desktop. A sizeable hard drive will enable you to store as much content as you like such as images, music, files and other similar items. Most affordable desktops PCS today contain at least 250 gigabytes and this hard drive ability should suffice.

Last but not the least, there are a diversity of options for buying PCs. And if you do not want to expend a lot on a computer, but just require it to surf the net or for educational purposes, cheap desktop PCs will suit your requirements completely. There are many desktop PCs available for any budget - even yours and cheap desktop PCs are the choice for you.
READ MORE - Buy High Class Cheap Desktop Pcs

Make Computer Care to My Self

With all of the resources available to you, you may well ask yourself, "Why do I need a computer expert to maintain my computer ?" The short answer is, you don't. Just like you don't need a technician to fix your car, repair your furnace, or do any other maintenance or repairs. If you have the knowledge and the time, you can easily repair and maintain your own computer.

But be warned, there are several potential "gotchas" involved in maintaining your own computer. If you decide to repair your own automobile, a company won't sell you a carburetor what will break your car. Unfortunately, that's not true of computer maintenance. There are many programs out there that either don't do what they purport to do, perform unnecessary functions, or are just plain dangerous to install. It's up to you, the computer maintenance technician, to determine what programs you can safely use in what manner.
In this article, we'll discuss some of the programs out there and what the do-it-yourselfer needs to watch out for.

Registry Cleaners Websites such as Finally and Double My have been promoting themselves heavily of late. These (and other) sites offer products to download and install that purport to improve your computer's performance. These programs are mostly registry cleaners. The Windows registry is simply a database that the operating system uses to store everything it needs to know to run as per your specifications. In addition, it's available to any other program to write their information in there as well. Since Windows 95, the registry has been the recommended repository for user preferences, settings, and any other variables a program has to remember.

Over time the Windows registry will become cluttered with unneeded information, most frequently caused by uninstallation programs not removing all of the data they should. The concept of a registry cleaner is that it will detect and remove these orphan settings, frequently improving computer performance.

The problem with registry cleaners is that they will often incorrectly detect a setting as unneeded and delete it, causing problems with either installed programs or the Windows operating system itself. Registry cleaners are good, but you should never blindly take their advice as to what to delete. You should always review each entry to verify that it can be deleted safely.

And keep in mind there are freeware applications that do an excellent job of cleaning your Windows registry. Ccleaner is the one recommended by The Computer Psychic. (Go to Google and search for ccleaner.)

Anti-Malware Applications Malware (spyware and virus) cleanup and prevention is one of the most important aspects of computer maintenance. If you catch a virus on your system, you leave yourself open to all sorts of mischief - including having files deleted, getting your address book scammed and spam e-mails being sent in your name, and even having your credit card and banking information stolen! Spyware can be just as bad - it typically "watches" what you do on your computer, down to even logging keystrokes, and thus stealing your passwords. In addition to these problems, spyware and viruses are often poorly written, causing performance problems in your system.
READ MORE - Make Computer Care to My Self

Make a Booting CD for your windows 7

When you start the process of Windows 7 installation, unused storage drivers disabled. This behavior helps you to speed up the startup process of the operating system. When you change the startup disk for a driver that was disabled, you must enable the new driver before you change the hardware configuration. 

AHCI (Advanced Host Controller Interface Serial ATA) has several features of SATA devices. These include hot-plug and power-saving features. The issues occur during the installation of earlier versions of the Windows operating system are compatible with the new Windows 7 startup method. Windows 7 uses a new Boot Configuration Database (BCD). This archive contains a boot menu and all the data on the operating systems installed on your computer. Therefore, the Boot.ini file in earlier version of the Windows operating system will not be used to launch Windows 7. If a previous version of the Windows operating system is installed in a dual boot with Windows Vista or Windows 7, Windows will launch the program director for NTLDR transfer management of the previous version of the Windows operating system. 

If you have any problems in starting your computer with Windows 7, it is often useful to repair the MBR (Master Boot Record) to restore the boot loader for Windows 7 and you can do it easily from the Windows installation disc. This is generally most useful if you broke something, and there is a boot loader error, or if you have made the mistake of installing an earlier version of Windows on the same PC that already have Windows 7, which erases boot loader. If your PC starts boot into Windows, but failed, you should probably try to use Safe Mode instead. 

Microsoft provides contact information to help find technical support. This information is subject to change products information. There is no need of technical skills, special expertise required; Wonder Share launched a product to simplify all the things for you. You just need to add a CD or USB drive to boot Windows. This is an emergency boot cd for Windows 7 can help turn any desktop or laptop. Once installed a boot live, run it and you have checked. Here, you can burn the Windows 7 boot disk, or USB, only 1 click. Insert a blank CD or USB drive to your computer, click the Burn button and all things will be completed automatically. You only need to drive, or USB, when combustion is complete.

After getting the boot CD of Windows 7 or on disk, insert or take it to the Windows 7 went down, and starts it. Then a boot menu as shown below, and choose to boot your computer from Live Boot. When you start Win PE, you will receive Live Boot main interface. Go to "Windows Recovery," or "Recovery Center", which is specially designed for PC novices. Here you can get a complete unit to various causes of fatal Windows. You can take one of the best solutions to describe your symptoms of recovery crashed your Window is corrupt.

Note: You can also get a hard reboot of Windows 7 Wonder Share directly with your order if you do not burn yourself. 
READ MORE - Make a Booting CD for your windows 7

Troubleshooting Steps to Repair Laptop Screen

Like most computer problems, a laptop screen repair is diagnosed by a process of elimination. There are 5 major components to a laptop screen: the laptop LCD or LED screen itself, the backlight, the flex cable, the inverter and the motherboard. Sometimes, the immediate cause of the problem is apparent when the laptop screen has cracked or broken due to physical trauma. Other times, the source of the problem is not so obvious (as is the case when the screen is dim). In this article, we will cover the troubleshooting steps of a laptop screen repair.

The first step is to confirm that we are dealing with a laptop screen repair and not a power failure or other laptop issue. This is done by making sure that the laptop is powering up properly. If the display on your screen is correct and you can see your laptop booting through the bios and into Windows, then you have established that the rest of the machine seems to be working fine.

Alternatively, if the screen is broken and all you see are cracks, ink blots and lines, then you will need to plug the laptop into an external display (a desktop screen) and troubleshoot from there. If the external display is not showing a correct display of the boot-up process but you can hear the laptop turning on properly (normal beeps, fans spinning, hard drive spinning) then you will need to confirm that the external monitor is functional. If it is, there is a mother board issue that will not be resolved by replacing the screen.

Now that you have plugged the laptop into an external display and seen that it is booting up properly, it is time to identify the main issue. If the screen is just black or dark, use a flashlight to illuminate the screen around the top left corner or center. If you can see the display with the help of the flashlight, then we know the screen is receiving data properly but isn't lighting up. This will either be an inverter issue (test with voltmeter to confirm electrical output) or a backlight problem. If the inverter is faulty, you will need to replace it with a new one. If the inverter is functional, then it is strongly recommended to replace the laptop screen instead of trying to fix the backlight. That repair is hazardous and requires expertise.

If the laptop screen is not dim but there is no display on the laptop (but there is on the external monitor), it is time to trying replacing the laptop screen. Most laptop screen repairs are due to a damaged screen or backlight. However, you may also experience situations where random dots start appearing on the screen, vertical or horizontal lines appear across the entire screen, a growing discoloration of an area is present of a sort of stain is developing. In all these cases, you will need to compare the laptop display to the external display. If the external display does not recreate those issues, you should replace the laptop screen.

Laptop screen repairs are a delicate operation. While it is possible to "do-it-yourself", keep in mind that you will be dealing with very fragile parts and plastics, small screws, the possibility of further damaging the unit and finally voiding your warranty. We strongly recommend employing a professional shop for laptop screen repairs as the cost difference is usually worth the peace of mind and warranty on the repair.
READ MORE - Troubleshooting Steps to Repair Laptop Screen

Protect Your Laptop From Damage with Laptop Backpacks

Laptop is no more any status symbol for any person. Rather, it works as the main ingredient for information sharing and continuous update of work.  Laptops are found with different laptop accessories within the laptop bags. These accessories include wide array of products which are meant for used along with the laptop. For example, charger, USB light, mouse, data card and many other accessories are found inside this kind of bag.

These bags are highly beneficial to carry laptop anywhere and everywhere. No matter how much mobile you are, these bags are readily available to give the comfort of carrying laptop and its other attachments.

These bags range from backpacks, shoulder bags to envelope cases with handles. Among these three sorts of laptop bags, laptop backpacks are found to be the most comfortable ones. These backpacks not only accommodate laptop but also carry your cell phones, mp3 players, iPod, and other documents inside it. These backpacks are found to be very much reasonable and comfortable which can hold laptop very safely. Since laptop is an expensive asset of anyone, thus, before purchasing the bag you need to be assured of the quality of the product. 

Laptop backpacks come with layered accessory pockets, zippered pocket, dual water bottle pockets, cord storage pocket etc. But the most important feature of these backpacks would be its comfort feature while you carry it. There are different kinds of backpacks available in the market with trendy, durable and multi-functional option.  You can find insulated pocket inside the backpack to give space to any kind of food you are carrying.
All these backpacks come with various padded compartments, where you can keep different laptop accessories. Quality of the product ensures the durability of the backpack. Thus, going for branded backpack would be highly advisable. Now it is also mandatory to know what will be the consideration of the buyers. The basic consideration would be the durability, functionalities and safety of the backpack.

Laptop is the delicate product and keeping it in a safer place must be a big task for us. Different brands from global market is manufacturing these backpacks, keeping the view of safety of the laptop. Depending upon the requirements, you need to choose your laptop bags.  You need to prioritize what should be consideration while you choose this kind of product. Someone chooses sleek bags for more comfort, while few people choose to buy little huger ones which can suit their personality type. 
READ MORE - Protect Your Laptop From Damage with Laptop Backpacks

Cheap Desktop Computer

Finding the right desktop computer for you can sometimes be tricky. You need to take into consideration the likes of is the desktop computer for home, an office, for business or for gaming purposes. Other things you need to generally know is the RAM size, Hard Drive (HD) size, does it have an operating system etc. Looking for a desktop computer at a reasonable price can also be a bit tricky for most of us. The price you will pay depends on the system specifications. The higher the spec, the higher the cost is generally the theory but if you are looking for a cheap desktop computer that will brighten up your room and make general day to day tasks easier, then a cheap desktop computer ranging from £200 - £300 would be ideally suited to you.

With a cheap desktop computer you have the ability to execute tasks that offices and business use, such as word processing, spreadsheets and databases which can be especially useful if you have organization within your life. Cheap desktop computers are definitely not recommended for office or business use, however, due to the fact that the processing abilities with a cheap desktop computer are much lower than of that required. Cheap desktop computers are also great for those who like to surf the web so for families, couples and even individuals a cheap desktop computer would be ideal.

Cheap desktop computers are not portable, where they can be carried around freely like a laptop or netbook, however, for home use only cheap desktop computers are perfect. Cheap desktop computers can even make a room look much better!

When buying a cheap desktop computer, some of the manufacturers that you may see include HP and Dell. These two particular cheap desktop computer manufacturers are trusted and definitely recommended if you are looking for a fast and reliable cheap desktop computer. Most cheap desktop computers will come fully equipped with a motherboard,  WIFI card, LAN card, optical drive, hard drive, RAM and an operating system (normally Windows XP for cheap desktop computers), so really, it's just a case of plug and play with most cheap desktop computers.

You can buy a cheap desktop computer from PC repair stores, large computer stores and online through marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon. Remember to always check the system spec of cheap desktop computers before purchasing, as what seemed like a good deal may in fact not be.
READ MORE - Cheap Desktop Computer

Requirements best with genuine computer components

Regardless of significant advancement in computer and laptops there are many who are not pleased with prefixed computer models. Today most computers come with plentiful peripherals and are flooded with tons of features. However different people have different requirements and hence they might prefer assembling their own computer with computer components according to their choice. For example, game lovers and people associated with graphics and animations, they require bigger graphic card whereas the regular computer users need more RAM power. This is why many prefer buying computer hardware components individually and assembling their computer to cater to their requirements best.

Another reason why people prefer building their own computer is that it keeps the cost low compared to buying branded computer from local stores. You can buy branded computer hardware and get the same performance and durability from personally built computer without paying extravagant charges. You can install you own operating system. You can have computer hardware components required as per your preference and save considerable money through it. In brief, while assembling computer at home, you will pay only for what you need. You can exclude all those programs and unwanted hardware that manufacturers include but you actually never use them.

Other than all those monetary benefits, assembling computer allows you the leverage to actually personalize your computer. 
You can customize it the way you want and give it the desired finishing. If you are looking at computer just for some general purpose, you can get your PC done with minimum computer hardware like RAM, Hard disk, CD-Rom, etc. Meanwhile, the most important aspects of the entire process are to buy computer components that are authentic, branded and durable.

Genuine computer components are easily and cheaply accessible from virtual stores. Shopping from correct dealers will enable you to save sufficient money and to Buy Computer Hard Drive and Buy Computer RAM of your preferred brand. Such dealers possess vast stock of reputable brands computer components and offer at affordable prices. You just have to do slight research to locate an authentic and authorized dealer to avail warranty/guarantee when you buy Computer Parts from them. Along with buying computer parts, it is also important that you must acquire basic knowledge about the computer assembling to ensure perfect execution. Computer building knowledge is easily accessible online and one can easily build up their own computer with genuine computer hardware by following step-by-step manual.

So whether you are looking to build your own computer or refurbishment or replacing some specific component, you should always look to buy Computer Hard Drive and other component from genuine dealers only. Along with offering genuine components, you will also find valuable information and assistance to aid you in selecting correct computer components. So, whether you are looking to Buy Computer RAM or buy compute monitor, you can simply log in a computer nearby and visit online store and place your order. Parts will be delivered to you within reasonable time with due safety.
READ MORE - Requirements best with genuine computer components

Make a Custom Windows Can Save Energy

Do the windows in your home have problems? They may be causing your energy bills to be much higher than they should be. Things like broken window panes are easy to spot, but there are other, less noticeable problems that older windows may be prone to. For instance, there may be gaps and leaks around the window that cause it to be drafty. Wood window frames can be damaged by prolonged exposure to the elements. This can cause warping, mold, and even rot. Problems like this can remain hidden for years until you go looking for them. 
Home windows replacement in San Francisco allows one to replace old windows with beautiful customized windows that are very energy efficient. Modern windows are stronger and more durable than old ones. Older window frames and sashes can't beat the quality of the new ones, and the insulating qualities of modern windows greatly outshine those of the old ones.

If you have decided that home windows replacement in San Francisco is right for you, you will want to choose the best company to do the job for you. Looking for an experienced company that has a great selection and a reasonable price is your next step. Starting with the most important factor, experience, will help you narrow down your choices quickly. Experience is important in almost any home improvement project. You don't want a first-time window installer to take on the job of replacing all the windows in your house, you want someone who has done it many times and knows what he is doing. 

Certified professional installers have worked with windows for many years. They have seen old windows that come out easily and those that have hidden problems. They know exactly what to do for your home windows replacement in San Francisco because they have done it many times before. Experienced companies will give you a guarantee of satisfaction because they are confident in their ability to please you.

After determining the experience level of the company, be sure that their selection is large enough to give you what you want in your home windows replacement in San Francisco. A windows design consultant can show you all of the options that are available. Modern windows are energy efficient and beautiful at the same time. You will be excited to see some of the new things that windows can do. Opening from the top and tilting down for easy cleaning is one example of an exciting new window type. You will also have a range of styles that take you from the classic to the contemporary. In addition to the styles are your color options. Your design consultant will help you decide the perfect combination of type, style and color for your home windows replacement in San Francisco.

The cost of your home windows replacement in San Francisco will be estimated by your design consultant. You can then compare this bid to others you receive from other companies. Be sure to request that all costs show up on the estimate. By looking at experience, selection, and cost, you are sure to make a good choice. Your new custom windows can then begin to save you energy and provide beauty for many years to come.
READ MORE - Make a Custom Windows Can Save Energy

Laptop Backpacks : The Changing Face Of

Everything around us is changing and the changes are most prominent in the world of computer technologies.  As the accessories are changing keeping pace with the taste and requirements of the people, it has become necessary for the manufacturers to change the face of laptop backpacks keeping pace with such changes.

The world around us is changing almost every day.  Just open up the morning newspaper or your computer or view the science news on the TV and you will find some new inventions finding place with almost alarming regularity.  In addition the requirements and tastes of the people are also changing.  Therefore every industry requires keeping pace with such changes so that they do not fall behind the requirements of their customers.  Changes are even more prominent in the computer world where every day some new accessories are finding place in the market.  Moreover the shape and sizes of laptops are also changing frequently.  To keep pace with all such changes it is necessary for the manufacturers to change the face of the laptop backpacks they are manufacturing. 

One of the basic features of such changes is that the manufacturers provide several additional pockets and compartments so that it becomes possible to house extra accessories those have become the features today.  At the same time it is also necessary that they change the shape and pattern of the backpacks to fit perfectly with the current day laptops.  One of the reasons why such changes have become necessary is that there has been a sea change in the shape and size of laptop computers.  In the past such computers used to be fattier and larger in size.  However these days the trend in the market is for smaller and thinner laptops.  To top them all there are the notebook laptops and they require much smaller space for their accommodation.  On the other hand the number of accessories has increased considerably in comparison with the earlier days with the advent of new technologies like the MP3 and mobile telephony.

Laptops are expensive items and therefore the owners are mostly concerned with their well being.  Chances of damages during travel and tours are the maximum for the laptops.  Therefore the laptop backpacks are usually in great demands today.  Yet like all other industries the backpack industry is also having stiff competition among the manufacturers for grabbing the leading position in the market.

Therefore they are coming out with newer varieties and types of these backpacks. Thus you will find in the market backpacks having water resistant covers, or backpacks with such padding that they can withstand sudden jolts and impacts that could otherwise damage your laptop.

Bottom line of all these is that any backpack would be good and useful only when it fits in perfectly with the size of the laptop and its accessories and that is convenient carrying.  Ill-fitting backpacks can cause injuries to your back in the long run and it could be extremely uncomfortable even in the short term.  That is why backpacks with wide as well as the padded straps could be best for your shoulder. More than anyone else it is the manufacturers who should understand it and change their views about manufacturing process of backpacks for laptops.
READ MORE - Laptop Backpacks : The Changing Face Of

Make Your Netbook Faster

Before we start, you should understand that netbook is not for people who demands on computer speed. It is because netbook is purposely built with lower power parts so that it can meet your basic requirements while still providing you longer battery life. Which means you cannot expect it could run as fast as a regular laptop or desktop. However we can do something to make it run at its full power smoothly. The Reasons Why Netbook is slow and the solution. Now i'm going to share with you several reasons that cause a netbook becomes slow as well as the strategy to overcome them.

Cause #1: Startup Program. One of the common mistakes that most people make when setting up software into their netbook is allow the software begin instantly on Windows startup. This process is nothing for those who have a strong and powerful laptop. But for netbook, a single software may use up all its resources making it become slow. Everytime your netbook is starting, it must spend some time to load every one of the startup software before it can react to your clicks and commands. That's why make you feel the netbook is slow.. So my suggestion is
Please take notice for the special options you can click throughout the installtion wizard. For several programs, you can easily eliminate their startup feature throughout the installtion wizard You may also check out the preferences or perhaps settings section of the program to disable the startup feature. Finally, you can head to START->RUN and type MSCONFIG to end the unnecessary startup programs.

Cause #2: Antivirus Security Software. For some people, they don't and never choose to install any antivirus software to their netbook. In fact this is wrong because the Internet world is not as secure as you think it is. Viruses as well as Trojans are spread rapidly through the Internet. In case your netbook is attacked by Virus, then itwill become slow as well as hard to respond your command. So my suggestion is
Choose a good antivirus software and install it to your netbook.. Becareful and choose the great one since some antivirus software are heavy and also can slow down your netbook too.

I would suggest Norton products to you as they are using the least resources from your netbook and providing the most protection.

Cause #3: Depending excessively on multi-tasking.I would suggest you to start and use your netbook a lttle bit different. It is different from your laptop and desktop. It has less resources so you must learn how to use it properly. Should you aren't likely to use a program, shut it off but not minimize it. A software that is being minimized is still running at the background. Therefore it will slow down your netbook in case you keep opening new program and minimizing those you do not use without closing them.

Cause #4: Using the unsuitable software on netbook. Netbook is designed for you to online as well as do some simple works. Which means netbook is not for you to use any complicated software and games. So please stick to the spec of a netbook and use exactly what it can do. This will ensure a netbook can operate efficiently and respond your orders promptly
If you are ready, you may even consider adding linux in your netbook. Linux netbooks can run extremely fast because linux does not take too much of resources from your netbook.

If you feel that a netbook is simply too slow for you, then you can consider purchasing a new laptop. Laptop has greater processing ability, memory, spec compare to netbook. Of course, laptop also has its disadvantages and benefits. For information, you can read my article about Netbook VS Laptop to find out what is the difference between a netbook and a Laptop.

READ MORE - Make Your Netbook Faster

Dual Boot with Windows 7 and Windows 8 on a Computer

The article intends to describe the procedure of dual booting with Windows 7 and Windows 8. The information compiled here is simple and correct until date. It must be noted that failure or success of the information entirely depends on how correctly you follow it. This will also save you from facing problems and eventually contacting Microsoft technical support for help.

Since the Windows 8 beta has arrived in the market, users have been looking for ways to try it out on their existing Windows 7 computer. Since the installation of an operating system (even of the beta version) is a thin-skinned part, it should be done in the right manner. Despite following everything right from the beginning, you may stumble upon common Windows 7 problems. Don't worry! The below mentioned step-by-step guide will help you perform the desired task on your own. This will certainly sideline the need of calling up Microsoft technical help and save you time.

Download the Microsoft Windows 8 Developer Preview from the official website of Microsoft. When prompted, save the file to a location in the computer where it is conveniently accessible from and then burn it to a DVD or an ISO file. You can also install the Preview using a USB flashdrive. Use the built-in Windows 7 USB\DVD Download Tool to do so.

Back up all your data to an external drive and keep it to a safe place. Configure your computer's BIOS to boot from any of the drives viz. DVD\CD-ROM or USB. Before you begin, you should know that Win8 would take about 7.5GB of space for installation. Therefore, you would need about 20GB (more is better) of free space on your hard disk drive.

It is time to repartition the hard drive in Windows 7. Click on the Start menu, navigate to Computer, right click on it and click on Manage. Scroll down to click on Disk Management in the Windows Management window. On the right hand side, it will show all the drives currently listed in your computer.

Select the drive that you want to shrink, right click on it and choose Shrink Volume.  When a dialog box appears showing the total and available space on the disk, enter the amount that needs to be shrunk. Click on the Shrink button to initiate the shrinking. Wait for the procedure to finish. When completed, right click on the Unallocated space and select New Simple Volume from the menu.
This will open up the New Simple Volume Wizard. Click on the Next button, assign a new letter to the drive from the dropdown menu and again click on Next. Click to select Format this volume, leave the File system option to NTFS and Allocation unit size to Default. Enter a name for recognizing (like Win8) in the Volume Label box and then click on the Next button. Click on the Finish button to begin the formatting procedure. Wait until completed. When finished, you will see your new drive listed in the existing list.
Instead of repartitioning, you can simply make a VHD (Virtual Hard Drive) to install Windows 8 therein. Go to the Windows Management window (see above for the procedure), click on Disk Management, highlight the Action tab and then select Create VHD from the dropdown menu.  Press the Browse button and map to a location in Windows directory where you desire to save the newly created VHD. Leave the Dynamically expanding option checked. Assign a name (like VHD for Win8) in the File name box and then click on the Save button. Reformat the newly created drive (see above).

Now that you are done repartitioning or creating a VHD as per your choice, it is time to begin with the Win8 installation. Insert your DVD into the drive or plug a USB flashdrive and choose to reboot your computer. When prompted, hit any key on the keyboard to select to boot from a DVD\CD or as desired.

When the Install Windows screen appears, select your Language, time & currency format (like English (United States), and Keyboard or input method (like US) and hit the Next button. Hit the Install Now
button to proceed.

Wait until you see another window with installation options. Click on the Custom (advanced) option and it will show you the disk partitioning option. Carefully click on the partition that you created in previous steps (see above) and click on Next. This will initialize the installation process. Wait for it to complete. When done, follow the options to customize your Windows. When finished, your computer will reboot several times (may by more than once) and will every time welcome you with Windows 8 Welcome screen. There will also be a graphical bootloader (like Choose an Operating System) that will let you select Windows 7 or Windows 8 to boot from.

If you want to keep your previous option of booting from Windows 7, the click on the option below Change defaults or choose other options on the Choose an Operating System screen. It will take you to the Change options window. Click on Choose the default operating system option and then click on Windows 7 option. You can further customize your features like timer etc. Now that you have both the Windows installed on your computer, enjoy access to both the worlds.

Additional Tips:
A USB thumbdrive can also be used in place of a DVD.
A GB contains 1024MBs. Therefore, 20GB would contain 20480MBs. This means that you will have to free up 20480MBs by shrinking drives.
READ MORE - Dual Boot with Windows 7 and Windows 8 on a Computer

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Build Your Own PC Game

If you are just starting to tinker around with computers and want to build your own gaming PC without having to spend the thousands of dollars that hard core gamers spend on their rigs, then you have come to the right place. Gamers of the wealthy kind or even the addicted spender who would rather have the newest graphics card than have a presentable apartment have all the inside information on the newest, fastest and greatest PC parts that have yet to hit the market, and they are also very exclusive, so let us not go there. Here, we are going to talk about how a regular guy, with a healthy gaming hobby and a sensible mind builds a gaming PC that he can play the latest games with without having to shell out serious cash.

First off, a gaming computer is so far removed from a regular or office computer in the sense that it is built to enhance the gaming experience in its entirety. What this means is that you have to take into consideration the visual, auditory and ease of control factors when you build a gaming PC. Sure, it will still be able to do all of the stuff that you do with a regular computer, but much, much faster and with richer sensory stimuli. And the good thing about putting up a high performance PC is that you can also use its resources for heavier software like photo and video editing programs that you can tinker with or make money off of. That said, let us look at the three basic things that you need when you want to build a gaming PC on a budget.

First off, you need to get a good CPU. The CPU or processor determines the speed at which your computer can handle data. But don't waste your CPU's juice; get RAM sticks that maximize its performance. The newer 64 bit systems allow up to 16gigs of RAM and this ensures that your rig can handle huge amounts of data. 

Next, pickup a proper gaming mother board. You can pass on those dual video card models because for a lot of the newer games, if you are not going to be playing them on a 54-inch 3D LED monitor, a single, good, high performance video card will do. Make sure that you get a good mother board because those cheap ones do not maximize your CPU's and video card's processing powers. Lastly, the video card. As we have said, a good, middle of the pack video card can handle the newest games. And since there are just too many manufacturers and models to choose from, it would be best if you read the latest reviews before you build your gaming PC.
READ MORE - Build Your Own PC Game

Maintain the Condition of your Laptop

Have you just purchased a new laptop? It may be a first-hand one, straight out of the store; or you may have bagged yourself a second-hand bargain. Either way, whichever laptop you have purchased your next step is to protect it.

Protection can mean all sorts of thing when it comes to laptops and computers. First things first, when purchasing this piece of hardware, you would have come across the need for online security. This is to protect your computer or laptop from the threat of viruses, spyware, malware, etc - the list is endless.

Protection can also mean maintenance; how to keep your laptop in good condition or how to maintain the condition of your laptop. If you have spent a lot of money on a high spec laptop, then it really is in you interest to keep the actual hardware in good condition too. For this there are a few things to consider.

Laptop Security Locks

Reduce the threat of having your laptop stolen with a laptop security lock. With such an emphasis on online security (and rightly so), we tend to forget about the actual physical threat of damage and theft of our laptops. This can be significantly reduced with a number of different security locks that are suitable for a variety of different laptops.

For example, one of the cheapest locks on the market is the Belkin Notebook Security Lock. This is perfect to secure notebook computers, docking stations and monitors. It's incredibly simple, after fixing a clamp to the security slot on your laptop, you attach the cable steel provided to the clamp and connect it to a fixed structure in the office. Some places of work specify radiator pipes for example. This provides a visual and actual deterrent for any suspecting thief.

Laptop Coolers

Having a laptop that can pretty much do as much as a normal personal computer is incredibly common; advances in technology and microprocessors means that modern day laptops can operate to a high specification. As such, some laptops overheat and can sometimes shut down automatically to stop components burning out.

It is essential to protect your laptop hardware and reduce the threat of overheating laptops by investing in a laptop cooler. The laptop is placed on the cooler which dissipates the heat, keeping your laptop free from overheating. There are a variety of different cooling mats or laptop trays that differ in appearance and functionality, but mainly all of them provide a cooling mechanism and offer stability for the user.

Laptop Bags

Laptops were designed so they could be portable, and as such we see people using laptops everywhere; on trains, in coffee shops, for work and for pleasure. In this sense, laptops need to be transported with the user in a safe and secure way.

As a result, we now have a huge variety of laptop bags, with different styles and colours catering for all kinds of users and their needs. Prices can range somewhat, but some of the expensive ones use the best materials to make sure your laptop is kept safe, secure and maintains its good condition.
READ MORE - Maintain the Condition of your Laptop

Find the Best Laptop

Let’s find out about best laptop 2011If you are a computer addict then how about some good info on best laptop deals? You may make use of these laptops while you're on the run or traveling. There are lots of people who find themselves so fond of their school and office works they have to keep themselves busy while on the road. There are a lot of best laptop deals in the market today.

There are best laptop deals are very popular these days simply because it has been in existence. You will discover great deals which are available over the internet. This could be very convenient since there is a need for a laptop anytime you are on the go.

Deals Tips on How to Find the Best Laptop Deals
You can now avail the best laptop deals right away without any fuss! This can be one of the top-of-the-line laptop models from various brands today. The best laptop deals are all up for grab. All you have to do is find the most reliable resources in town.
There are plenty of ways on to buy the best laptop deals today.  You can personally look for discount and promotional packages of which can give you the most affordable options there is.  You can find plenty of choices from which to select on best laptop deals. You will certainly have the choices that you might contemplate for various types of laptop that will enhance your work productivity or your gaming experience.

Where to Find the Best Laptop Deals
There are best laptop deals which have the reputation to reckon with in terms of quality standards in on graphics, audio and visual features as well as overall performance for a laptop. Therefore you need to pick the best laptop deals that can give you the most reliable brands and choices to choose from.

One way by which you can avail of these best laptop deals is to contact various suppliers in town. All you've got to do is be very watchful on various stores and shops which are merchandising electronics and computer related products.

The best laptop deals should not be difficult on the pocket. You can find a lot of options on a budget friendly price. If you are able to find the best deals for laptops, you can invest on some peripheral equipment such as printers and scanners or perhaps other laptop enhancements.  You'll soon find best laptop deals which are easy on the pocket.

Making an investment on best laptop deals, is extremely awesome. It is very cost effective and practical!

READ MORE - Find the Best Laptop

Look For In Computer Game

When it comes to technology, people can really get obsessed. We see that a lot in this hyper-connected society of ours where mere hours from the release of the newest gadget, the flashiest piece of electronics, the people who have waited in line outside the company's stores and resellers start buying every piece of the equipment that the stocks run out so quickly.
We see in tech magazines, blogs and websites that leak new models of the greatest gadgets and get every techie all riled up about computers. But when it comes to real, hard core gamers, the tech fan goes into overdrive. Every serious gamer wants to have the best gaming computer and scours the latest gaming computer review from their trusted website. A graphics card can get old real quick once a developer comes out with a new one that has, say, the newest 3D engine. But, if you are asking yourself what you need to look for in the best gaming computer, let us tackle this question here.

First, some limits. The most hardcore gamers spend thousands of dollars on their rig to get it as fast as they can. Over using, or using your CPU beyond its factory settings is the norm. But, you would not be reading this if you are one of those people who crank up their PC, sacrificing product life for performance. So let's keep things basic. 
When you want the best gaming computer within your price range, just look at two things really: the mother board and graphics card. The 3D LED monitors and fancy control tools can follow suit, but if you are building your rig from the ground up, these two things should take center stage. 

First, the motherboard. The most common mistake for beginners is that they buy the best graphics card, stock their rigs with enough RAM to run a supercomputer only to cut corners with the board. A board for gaming standard should support the newest connections, make full use of your RAM and support upgrades for the future. A cheap board cannot do that, so you end up wasting money on a so-so board only to replace it as you learn the lesson.
The next, if not the biggest thing that you should look out for in something that claims to be the best gaming computer is its graphics card. A good gaming board can support up to two identical graphics cards and if you buy a quality board, then, most often than not, it will only take a good graphics card. The opinions differ as to the best graphics card around and the companies churn them out so quickly that the best thing to do is hit the review websites before you put up your rig.
READ MORE - Look For In Computer Game

Design and Setting Computer With 2 Monitors Or More

Setting up a computer with 2 monitors or more can increase productivity and eliminate the need to toggle through many open applications. This increased screen real estate is invaluable, you'll wonder how you ever went without it! Back in the days of Windows XP (which actually wasn't too long ago) a computer with 2 monitors or more was much more difficult to set up. Windows XP and previous operating systems were written with multi monitor capabilities as an afterthought. Fortunately, we don't live in the days of Windows XP any more! With the advent of Windows Vista, Windows 7 and the upcoming Windows 8 a multi monitor computer with 2 monitors or up to 12 monitors or more is not difficult to set up. If you are still running an older operating system such as Windows XP then it might be time to think about an upgrade!

Of course, the concept of a multi monitor setup is not a new one. Many different professions use multiple monitors such as graphic design, day trading computers, accounting, video editing and engineering. What has changed recently is the need for specialized software. You can literally use any modern video card with Windows 7 and achieve at least a dual monitor setup immediately! All video cards are not created equal though, and some cards are much better than others for multi monitor setups a variety of reasons.

We recommend most business professionals stay away from expensive gaming cards to use for their multi monitor computer. Most expensive gaming cards run hot, require a beefy power supply & draw lots of power from that beefy power supply. Its best to stick with a mid-range gaming card, or go with a specialty card built specifically for multi monitor use. ATI FirePro and NVIDIA Quadro NVS cards are built for multi monitor computers. These cards do not require additional power connectors, and they run so cool most models have a fanless design for complete silence! The ATI FirePro 2460 is a perfect card for a computer with 2 monitor or 4. If you motherboard has multiple PCI Express x16 slots you can put more than one card in you system and go up to 8 or even 12 monitor setups.

You do not need to be a computer expert to upgrade your video card or operating system to obtain multi monitor capabilities. If the tast seems too difficult, or if your computer system is just too old to upgrade then buying a new custom built computer is the way to go!
READ MORE - Design and Setting Computer With 2 Monitors Or More

How to Bulit a Cheap Gaming Computer !

Most of us or our siblings are obsessed with games and we face problems we use or share our un-customized PC with them which is not design for games with heavy formats. This creates several problems as not only our PC starts working slowly because of the load of hard core games but it is also difficult for gamers to play with such a PC because it slows down the pace of the game also. For them a Gaming computer is best option which is customized and upgraded for gaming.

A Gaming computer is just like a personal computer which is properly customized and upgraded that increases its capability of playing hard core games. 
Its efficiency and performance is increased by addition performance oriented video card and larger RAM. It is built to achieve maximum performance for serious and enthusiast game play. 

Thus a Gaming computer is actually the computer to play hard core games with. Therefore if you have a gamer in your family or are yourself a gamer do yourself a favor and satisfy your gaming needs with an exclusively customized and reasonably priced Gaming computer from a wide range of affordable computers the one that fulfills your gaming needs and interests in the best possible way with the help of competitively priced Gaming Computers.

Most of the users build their Gaming computers themselves but it is a decision that I can not favor or suggest to somebody because home-building one's computer is accompanied with several drawbacks that a custom made or pre-assembled computer is virtually free of. The most important thing to be taken care of is that the case of your PC must be able to provide cooling for the high-end components plus extra space to give room for expansion and customization. But when builds a computer at home he can do nothing about these aspects and can only depend on being lucky to have a C with large case. 

Also one has to deal with individual component manufactures, face the inconsistencies of after purchase support and be the sole responsible for the problems that raise their heads later on. Hence it is better to buy an economically priced Gaming computer at home from the large online store of Electro Computer Warehouse then doing experiments on the only computer at home.
READ MORE - How to Bulit a Cheap Gaming Computer !

The Efficient Running of a Business with Computer Support Services

Computers have become a lifeline of all types of businesses, big or small. Work comes to a halt when computers crash suddenly, leading to heavy loss of productivity, time, customer trust and money. In order to resume activity, if you deploy amateurs to attend system breakdown, you run the risk of losing important data. Loss of important information pertaining to clients or corruption of files that contain financial data of a company can have a very adverse impact on your business.

Dealing with such a situation at an alarming speed and in a most effective manner is important for the continuity of business. A breakdown of a few minutes can cause millions to some big corporations or a permanent loss of an important customer to the owner of a small business for not making timely delivery just because an invoice could not be printed due to the breakdown of a computer. The best way to deal efficiently with these breakdowns is to avail the services of a professional computer support service which employ experienced network support technicians who provide quick IT solutions to any system related problems.

These computer support services provide IT security solutions, undertake total computer management, and do regular monitoring of the system and take preventive measures so that business activities run uninterrupted.

In the absence of computer support services your system could remain down for several hours or even several days. Network support technicians keep your system up and prevent total collapse of your business transactions. Their desktop IT support and IT security solutions can fix any system problem within couple of hours and help you in resuming regular activities.

For growth of a business it is necessary that it runs uninterrupted. Many businesses assign this work to an in-house team of professionals, while some hire services of IT security solution specialists from outside. Based on size and type of your business you can decide whether to have in-house team or get help from outside. If all the operations of your business are computer based, it is advantageous to have in-house team to look after the system. However if your business activities are only partly computer based then hiring computer support services of a reliable and established company could be best cost-effective measure.
For your business to prosper and run uninterrupted, you will have to prevent your computer system from crashing down. This can be best achieved only by availing top class computer support services.
READ MORE - The Efficient Running of a Business with Computer Support Services

My Computer Keeps Freezing - Why Is My Computer So Slow?

Dust Removal

If you have a computer running slow and it is hardware-related, it tends to be a more expensive fix than that of software. There is a chance, though, that the slow computer solution required is just a matter of dust removal.

Over time, no matter how clean you keep your house, dust is bound to collect inside your computer tower. This is partly due to the fact that the computer tower's inside is an enclosed space, and partly because it is often not touched or opened for very long periods of time.

Luckily, removing dust is a fairly simple task. Make sure everything is unplugged from your computer before you begin! This is most important to remember so you do not damage the computer and not electrocute yourself. Use some form of compressed air. You can buy it at your local computer hardware store and even Wal-Mart for just a few dollars. It is also convenient to having a vacuum running with its nozzle semi-close to the computer so that any loose dust pushed out by the air-in-a-can will not just resettle back in the computer or somewhere else.

Other forms of dust cleaning can be performed too such as using a dry paper towel, though I find the aforementioned method to be most effective. This process, when done every few weeks, can keep your computer running at cooler temperatures and therefore have to fight less to maintain an adequate speed.

Too Many Things Running At Once

Software-related slow computer solutions are most often a lot less complicated than their hardware counterparts. They are also more likely to come at no cost and, if nothing else, definitely much less expensive. Some solutions do not even need a download. Here is one.

It is simple math. The more programs running on a computer at once, the more 'energy' a computer has to use to keep up. Many computers come bundled with a bunch of useless features and programs that should most likely be disabled to get the most speed out of a computer, and prevent it from being just another slow computer with a problem. Take a look at "msconfig" in your Windows setup. It lists all programs that start automatically when Windows starts, and when left untouched, can really start to pile on, increasing boot times tremendously. I would recommend making sure any program of this nature is disabled until you specifically decide to open said program. This is always a good first thing to try when you have a "my computer keeps freezing"-type problem.

Do not panic and scream, " My Computer Keeps Freezing! " Not all PC problems are permanent, nor do all of them cost a lot. There are plenty of free slow computer solutions out there. Many of said solutions are based around "
READ MORE - My Computer Keeps Freezing - Why Is My Computer So Slow?

Best Computer Security Solutions

Every computer user is confronted everyday by computer security threats. Threats may be from viruses or other harmful software's like malware, spy-ware and root kits. To stay safe in a world full of hackers and malicious software's all that is needed is computer security solutions that would give total protection from viruses and worms. Reviewed in this article are the best security solutions from the best anti-virus software's, registry cleaners to the best firewalls.

The best firewalls
A firewall gives a computer user protection against hackers. Hackers may attack one's computer and infringe on ones private information. Without a trusted firewall ones computer is left open to the world of illegal coders whose main goal is to infiltrate computer systems of unsuspecting computer users. 
The best firewall available in the market is Zone Alarm Firewall. Zone Alarm Pro Firewall 2010 offers protection against intrusions by hackers. With zone alarm online privacy is guaranteed. Zone alarm firewall also has anti-virus and anti-spy ware tools. 
There is also a free version of this firewall. The advantage of zone alarm is that it is easy to use. Other highly rated firewall includes Prisma firewall and Eset smart security firewall. These all offer reliable computer security solutions for both home PC's and office PC's.
The best anti-virus software's

The main protection offered by any anti-virus application is protection against viruses, worms, ad-ware, spy-ware and malware. An anti-virus usually scans the whole system checking for any intrusive software and subsequently notifying the user. The strength of an anti-virus lies in its update's. Because viruses are invented daily, anti-virus software should usually be updated regularly either automatically or manually. The top ranking anti-virus applications are Bit Defender, Kaspersky, Webroot and Norton anti-virus. These anti-viruses are easy to use and install and are also available in free versions.

Superb Registry cleaners
Registry cleaning is a Contemporary development in the PC world. It is always assumed that inefficiencies in a computer such as slow speeds and constant freezing are caused by viruses or malicious software's. However problems with a computer registry may cause the computer to be inefficient. 
A computer registry is spoiled by leftover files and links of removed programs. It is also spoiled by some add on and plug gins. 
Registry cleaners repair the registry by fragmenting it and removing from it unnecessary files and links. "CC cleaner" and "Easy cleaner" are one of the best registry cleaners available. The free version of CC cleaner cleans the registry entirely returning it to top form.

The world of contemporary computer security solutions contains many PC security products than those listed above. There are anti-malwares, anti-spy wares, and root kits removal among other products. These when combined with the above offer ultimate security to ones computer.
READ MORE - Best Computer Security Solutions
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