Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Managed IT Services Is Often the Best Deal You Never Knew You Got

To some business owners, a managed services agreement can seem like a scheme cooked up by IT providers to increase our monthly revenue. It's easy to see why they think that way: Who wants to pay for something that they don't even know if they're going to need?
That viewpoint is common, but it also misses the point of the managed services agreement entirely. That's because the biggest benefits aren't to the IT firm, but to the client.

It's not hard to explain why. For one thing, a quick conversation with a business owner who has ever been through a major technology failure will give you some insight into just how expensive those middle-of-the-night billable hours can be. Call someone who's unfamiliar with your company's hardware and software at a time that is inconvenient, and you can almost watch the invoice swell in size.
For that reason alone, a managed services agreement tends to be worth it, since it doubles as insurance against huge, uncapped expenses. You might grumble about the amount you have to pay, but at least you know you're not going to pay more than that.

An even bigger benefit, however, is that a managed services agreement puts your IT provider squarely on your side. That is, it gives them absolutely no incentive for your company to experience a single minute of unplanned downtime. The smoother your systems are running, the less time and energy your account takes to manage, meaning that your technology partner comes out ahead, too. In fact, because your IT provider will be busy looking for potential problems and dealing with them before you can notice, it's very likely that you'll have fewer reasons to call them or see them in action. So, in a certain sense you're getting "less" IT for your money, but in a good way.

Really, the question behind the managed services agreement comes down to this: Would you rather know what you're going to pay for great technology help every month, or just spend money fixing problems when they pop up? If you would prefer the first option, then congratulations - you're a savvy business owner, and someone who should strongly consider a managed services agreement with a high-quality IT partner.
Because a lot of the best IT work happens behind the scenes, the managed services agreement could turn out to be the best deal you never knew you got. If you don't have one already, talk to us about one today.


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